As in every year, on Saint Vincent’s day, I talk about the year that has just passed.2022 was an exceptional year because of the extreme heat and lack of rain until the end of August.Fortunately, the copious rains of November and December 2021 saved it. WINTER Mild temperatures, no snow, only a little rain on…
“With 51 vintages behind her, Elisabetta tells us about what it means to work the land in Italy, more specifically in Tuscany. About what it means to be a Woman Farmer and the importance of preserving the land and traditions. Born in Rome to Veronese parents. She experienced her first fermentation from must to wine…
«Io come consulente ho la terra»: inizia così il dialogo con Elisabetta Fagiuoli, regina del monte dei Nidi. Dall’alto delle sue 50 vendemmie, ha maturato una visione del gesto agricolo e della vita impregnata di cultura della terra e di un’idea altra di socialità. VITA – Nei suoi sogni c’è una rivoluzione spirituale fatta di…
« Elisabetta Fagiuoli arriva sulla “montagna dei piccoli nidi” nel 1965 e insieme al suo compagno Sergio Muratori dà vita a una realtà che va oltre il vino e l’amore per la terra. Montenidoli è stato il luogo di incontro tra anziani e giovani in difficoltà, un luogo dove superare il disagio attraverso il dialogo intergenerazionale….
Corriere Fiorentino – Emiliano Gucci – May the 3rd 2022 Elisabetta Fagiuoli is one of the great women of Italian wine and we would like to start from her story, which is strong and beautiful and all to be told, but first comes Montenidoli, that is the hill of the little nests, “an extraordinary place,…
At Montenidoli we always report on the past Vintage during the festivities celebrating Saint Vincent. January: experiences mild weather. February: sees beautiful, healthy snow covering all the vineyards. March: opens to the awakening of nature; swallows return to their nests in and around our home. April: gives us frost that arrives violent and unexpected, destroying…
The What and Why of Orange Wines By Eric AsimovDec. 27, 2021 “We don’t ordinarily get too deeply into the details of making wine, but we will with our next subject, orange wines, also known as amber wines or skin-contact whites. The phrase “orange wine” was unknown 20 years ago, but the style and the…
97 points for Montenidoli “Tradizionale” – Vernaccia di San Gimgnano DOCG 2019 by Susan Hulme Tasted by Monty Waldin (at Tuscany, 01 Mar 2021) “The Vernaccia grape has been documented in San Gimignano since 1276, while the Montenidoli estate appeared in a 1404 will. Elisabetta Fagiuoli and her late husband, Sergio Muratori planted the then…